The Java Juniors line of designs are crafted to find appeal with the more "discerning" coffee product aficionado... one who prefers creme over foam, strong over subtle, and fresh over freeze-dried.
Which would make Java Juniors the go-to designs for people who've never experienced the multi-sense apocalypse of a "freshly cracked" container of Folgers, or Yuban, or Maxwell House. Because you're not your parents, you are YOU, and YOU prefer your coffee the way a math teacher prefers an equation: CORRECT.
And don't leave out the tykes. Your little tax credit might enjoy showing the world what a true coffee lover looks like as much as you would... even IF the closest they'll get to a full-bodied mocha latte is hot cocoa topped with marshmallow lava.
Note: Each design is outlined with a border of "Cringe White" (in lieu of using the 6-letter symbol "creamy", which isn't a word and has never been a word). This allows every design to be applied on both light color and dark color products (shirts, mugs, etc.).  The logo at the bottom right is a watermark and not part of the printed design.
That being said...
Cofy Muny
Team Logo
Itty Kiddie Lid
The Shield
First Sippy Cup